Effective Immediately: New Location 1282 Common Street, New Braunfels Texas 78130 (within walking distance of prior location)
https://newbraunfelspsychiatry.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Patient-Consent-for-Telemedicine-Services.pdfAll New Patients are Required to read and agree to our policy documents. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. You may download and print any of the documents for you own reference.
To avoid delays with your first appointment, we request you fax/mail the COMPLETED forms to the fax number provided on the top right hand corner of the forms. Then please bring the COMPLETED forms to your first appointment
- New Patient History Form
- Adult ADHD forms (only for new Adult ADHD patients)
- Fees
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Patient Services Agreement
- Medicare/Medicaid Statement
- HIPAA Statement and Patients Rights
- Controlled Substance Medication Agreement
- Follow Up Appointment Policy
- Cardiovascular risk form
- Telemedicine Consent
Please fill out the Authorization to Disclose form if we request this later
Authorization to Disclose Protected Medical Information-For us to obtain records from your last psychiatrist or any physician treating you for a psychiatric issue (including ADHD).